Friday, November 04, 2005

Animation Awards Hamburg 2005

So, I was at the Hamburg Animation awards yesterday, I don't have the time now to give you a full account of the evening, but it was great event, lots of familiar faces, and some very nice, new ones. The awards are getting bigger and more profiled from year to year . Winner of first price for best student film was "Bo", a little film made by some of my students from the Animation School Hamburg.
But my personal highlight was the presence of Wolfgang Buresch, who served as a laudator and who was the man behind my childhood TV-hero, Hase Caesar, Caesar the Rabbit, host of his own show "Schlager für Schlappohren". I think I still have drawings of mine with that rabbit dating back to the early 60's.

Thanks to Goro Fujita for the foto of the lineup above, I took it from his blog, check it out at
He's a very giftet 3D- animator and while you're there, don't miss out on his film, "Interview with Carl Hawkins", a 3D character lecturing about the importance of eye-movement in a 3D character.

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